Breast lift (mastopexy)
A women’s breast generally will decrease in tone and size over time secondary to the aging process, after pregnancy, breast feeding and significant weight loss. These effects on the breast will result in a drooping or sagging of the breast tissue and nipple. A mastopexy (breast lift) restores a more youthful appearing breast with tighten skin and lift. A breast lift can also be done in conjunction with augmentation with an implant to provide even more breast fullness.
Who is a candidate for breast lift?
A healthy women who is dissatisfied with the shape of her breasts.
How long does the surgery take?
A breast lift will generally take 3-5 hours to perform depending on how much work needs to be done. Examples that will increase surgical time
-larger vs. smaller breasts
-small reduction done vs. lift only
-implants placed vs. lift only
-skin and breast tissue vs. skin only tightened
-asymmetrical breast vs. symmetrical breast
What kind of anesthesia is used?
Dr. Stafford performs mastopexy under general anesthesia in either a hospital or state accredited surgical center.
How long is recovery?
A patient can generally return to activity of daily living in 24 hours. She may return to work in
2-14 days depending upon the type of work and the individual’s own comfort level. Low impact exercise including swimming can begin at 14 days assuming the incisions have fully healed. The patient is released to full activity at 6 weeks with a full support bra.
When will I see results?
The shape of the breast and position of the nipple will be evident immediately. The final results may not be evident for 6-12 months. Time is required for the swelling to resolve, the breasts to settle into their final position and for the incisions to fade (more than 2 years may be required for the incisions to fully fade).
How long does it last?
The new shape of the breast is very long lasting and allows the breast to age more gracefully. Although changes in weight, pregnancy and lactation can effect the shape more acutely.
Does the procedure effect breast feeding?
Yes, if the breast tissue is reshaped. No, if only extra skin is removed.
Fat loss.
Body Shaping.
Buttock, calf and pec implants.
Non Surgical Procedures.